Lyle Campbell - Blush Silks - Haida Art Silk Collection

Lyle Campbell - Blush Silks - Haida Art Silk Collection


      It is with great honor to partner with Lyle Campbell, one of Canada’s most talented Haida Artists to create the Lyle Campbell - Blush Silks Collection.

      About the Artist:
      Haida Carver ~ Lyle R. Campbell - 
      Lyle’s Haida Name is T’aaw Tlaahl (10 Coppers)

      Lyle is an active member of the Sdasta’aas Sangaalth Eagle Clan, of the Edenshaw Family. He’s a world renowned Haida Carver. He works primarily in Western Red Cedar. Carving Haida Poles , Masks, Paddles, Panels and Paintings. He’s also well known for his graphic art producing limited edition silkscreen prints, painted Drums and Tattoo Designs.

      Our scrunchie collection has 4 Haida images, the Eagle, Raven, Killer Whale and Wolf.
      These 4 Animals are the main 4 Crests of the First Nations in the North Coast area British Columbia, Canada.